- at or in that place: often used as an intensive [Mary there is a good player]: in dialectal or nonstandard use, often placed between a demonstrative pronoun and the noun it modifies [that there hog]
- toward, to, or into that place; thither: go there
- at that point in action, speech, discussion, etc.; then: there I paused
- in that matter, respect, etc.; as to that: there you are wrong
- at the moment; right now: there goes the whistle
Origin of there
Middle English ther, there, where from Old English ther, thær, there, where from Indo-European an unverified form tor-, an unverified form ter-, there from an unverified form to-, an unverified form t?-, demonstrative base from source that, then- used to express defiance, dismay, satisfaction, etc.: there, I've done it anyway!
- used to express sympathy, concern, etc. when repeated: there, there! everything will be OK
not all there
there you are
- a mild instruction to accept or take what is being offered, as when something is being handed or presented to someone
- Informal
- approval, agreement, or encouragement
- a feeling of concession or resignation to a situation
there you go
there you go again